We all live most of our lives independently with complete freedom of doing the things we want to do. However, after a certain age, there comes a point in life when we feel that we may not be as independent as we used to be anymore and would need to be dependent on our family and friends for most of our needs. This thought arises out of insecurity, physical disability, age-related weakness, or loss of confidence. However, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy doing things the same way you used to even when you get old.
Newcastle Aged Care allows you to achieve exactly that; claim complete control of your life and live it doing things you did when you were in the prime of your health and do all this living in your own home. Newcastle Aged Care provides at-home support to the elderly citizens in the Newcastle area. We provide such services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and the Home Care Package Program (HCP). Our caregivers are qualified and experienced and hold certificate 111 in aged care.
We can help you with the day-to-day tasks around your house like cooking, shopping, taking a bath, cleaning, provide you with support and care if you’ve just had a medical procedure, or provide short-term care if your regular family members are away. With our aged care services, you will completely independent for as long as you want.
© 2025 Newcastle Aged Care